Friday, April 18, 2014

Could it be that they are more unruly?

The headline blares: "Black preschoolers get suspended at a higher rate."

The Education Department says that black preschoolers get suspended from public schools at a disproportionately high rate -- 18% of the enrollment is black, but blacks account for half the students suspended more than once.

Hmmmm - could it be that if the DOE examined the proportion of black offenses to white offenses, they might find the reason for the "disproportion"? Could it be that black students commit a disproportionate number of infractions meriting suspension?

So what's the answer? The same as every other answer that comes out of Washington -- let's throw some money at it. Instead of kicking the little brats out of school, they want to move "them to a different educational setting with additional services."

"Black preschoolers get suspended at a higher rate." The Dallas Morning News; March 21, 2014; p. 7A.

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