Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Did a gun control advocate write this?

A recent headline caught my attention. It read: "Neighbor mistaken for intruder is fatally shot."

My first impression is that a trigger-happy nervous Nellie shot an innocent friend who had a perfect right to be where he was.

But then I read the article. The shooter was a 64-year-old woman who was home alone. The "victim" was her neighbor; however, he was drunk, and he was trying to break into her house. Of course she shot him! I would have, too. He wasn't mistaken for an intruder -- he was an intruder! The shooter isn't the one who made the mistake.

My headline would have read: "Woman shoots drunk burglar who lived next door."

"Neighbor mistaken for intruder is fatally shot." The Dallas Morning News; March 19, 2014; p. 3A.

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