Saturday, April 5, 2014

More Lame Excuses

I've written in recent days about these poor victims who, through no fault of their own, have committed rape. Now comes the father (and I use the term loosely) who murdered his two little girls while their mother listened over the phone.

Don't blame John Battaglia, however, for this heinous act. He loved his children so much that he now has rose tattoos with their names on his arm. He insists he is a loving father -- why, he even keeps track of his little girls' passing birthdays. I believe that's 13 each they've had now since their father brutally gunned them down while they begged him not to. However, he says he's not concerned about their deaths.

"I don't feel like I killed them," he said. Two little girls are dead, and John Battaglia pulled the trigger, but it wasn't John Battaglia's fault. It was his ex-wife's fault, it was the DA's fault, and it was the fault of The Dallas Morning News. Heck, it was probably your fault!

"In killers' minds, love never left." The Dallas Morning News; February 23, 2014; p. 1A.

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