Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Latest from San Francisco and Dr. Joycelyn Elders

A five-member panel convened by a think tank at San Francisco State University says that we should welcome transgender people to serve in our military. Regulations keeping them out are outdated, according to these geniuses headed up by Dr. Joycelyn Elders (the condom Surgeon General appointed by Bill Clinton).

Given where it originated and who headed it, I am not the least bit surprised by the conclusions of this "study." What does concern me and should concern every thinking American is that Elders and her cohorts say that there are currently 15,450 transgenders serving in the military. I'm worried about a person who is so confused he doesn't even know if he's a he or a she being expected to make decisions regarding the safety and security of this nation. Our military is there to protect us -- not to make a social statement.

"Panel: Lift transgender ban." The Dallas Morning News; March 14, 2014; p. 6A.

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