Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Essie May is Hailin' Palin!

I love John McCain's pick for VP. Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air. Obama only talks change -- Sarah Palin IS change.

If people are tired of the same old, same old in politics, they have to choose the McCain-Palin ticket. Mrs. Palin has the courage of her convictions -- two instances in her family where many would have chosen abortion, yet she chose to stand by what she preaches. She has common sense -- something in serious short supply in Washington. She respects the U.S. Constitution, and she is a strong voice for protecting our Bill of Rights. She is fiscally conservative, and I will be surprised if she puts her stamp of approval on Congress's ingrained tax and spend philosophy. She supports increasing domestic production of oil -- meaning for us, lower prices at the pump.

Her opponents deride her lack of experience, forgetting that she has executive experience, and Obama does not. I'm not afraid of her "lack of experience." Should she find herself in the Chief Executive's seat before McCain's term ends, she is smart enough to surround herself with trusted advisors who will be able to provide her the information she needs to make informed decisions to benefit America and keep it safe.

Should McCain finish out his term or terms, Essie May predicts Sarah Palin will be the first woman elected to the office of President of the United States of America. Go, Sarah!

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