Friday, September 12, 2008

Is it just me?

I made my weekly trek to Wal-Mart yesterday. While shopping, I kept running into this lady and a young girl who looked to be maybe 12 or 13 years old. They looked and acted like a mother/daughter combo. They appeared to be average, middle-class people.

The girl was wearing a t-shirt that said, "If you don't like the way I'm dressed, you have my permission to undress me."

Is it just me, or do you wonder what kind of mother would allow her young daughter to wear something like that? I honestly thought I had misread it, so I took a good long look at it when I ran into them on another aisle, and sure enough, that's what it said. I wonder what that mother would think if she came home one afternoon, and the 17-year-old boy next door was undressing her daughter?

Is there no common sense left? Is there no decency left? Does anyone even know what those terms mean anymore?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

And people wonder why 12 and 13 year olds are having babies!