Saturday, September 27, 2008

Get outta' town!

The audacity of the Democrats never ceases to amaze me. They remind me of the commercial for television blocking devices -- the one where the mother is talking to the mobsters and breaking the news to them that she will have to block their show. She says something like -- "And last week when you hit Vito in the head with the shovel . . ." The gangster replies, "I do not recall that."

Of course, this week, the big news is the bailout plan. The first link at the bottom of this page is to a video of Senator Harry Reid telling Senator McCain he needs to tell them what to do. Then yesterday, we get this quote from Harry Reid: "We have Senator Bennett, who is a high-ranking Republican senator, standing before all of you saying we've got a deal in principle. All we have to do is put it down in writing and this -- this is almost over with. And then, guess who came to town? And that completely fell apart. The vehicle came off the tracks. Now, the Republican House has to decide what they want to do. Are they serious about one of the issues that has to be taken care of, is lowering the capital gains tax? Is that part of what this is all about? They're going to have to become realistic."

In the first place, Senator McCain was not the only one "who came to town." Barack Obama was at that table, too, and you notice that Senator Reid was not able to come out and say, "Obama has come up with a plan -- we are saved." No mention of Senator Obama at all from a leading Democrat, so that kind of tells you how valuable he was there.

In the second place, there was no deal -- even Senator Bennett said he wasn't ready to sign on to it yet -- a little thing Senator Reid forgot to mention.

In the third place, we should all be grovelling at Senator McCain's feet for taking the "vehicle off the tracks." Senator Lindsey Graham reported that included in this plan was that 20% of the recovery funds would go to ACORN (up to $100 million dollars just for them) and organizations like it. ACORN is the far left-wing activist group that Obama did his "community organizing" with. They are under investigation for voter fraud, embezzlement, misuse of federal funds, and assorted other crimes. They do things like disrupt city council meetings and political dinners, picket in front of mayors' homes and spit on them and throw garbage at them, register dead people to vote -- a real class act.

In the fourth place, they don't need the House Republicans to pass this bailout. They have enough votes to do it without them. Why would they not go ahead and do it on their own? Because when it blows up in their faces they want to be able to say, "Well it was all those Republicans voting for it."

In the fifth place, a cut in capital gains taxes will grow the economy. I see something just a little hypocritical in saying, "We're going to spend $750 billion to bail out these companies that have poor business practices, but for you guys who have been conducting your affairs properly, you're not even going to get a tax break. In fact, we'll probably have to raise your taxes to take care of these guys getting multi-million dollar compensation packages."

Then Chuck Schumer comes out and says that McCain should leave town: "We need the president to respectfully tell Senator McCain to get outta town. He is not helping. He is harming. Before McCain made his announcement, we were making great progress. Now, after his announcement, we are behind the eight ball. Get the House Republicans to be more constructive, get Senator McCain to leave town and not throw fire on these flames." Excuse me, but I believe Senator McCain is called "Senator" because that's what he is. He has every right to weigh in on this issue for his constituents. In fact, if he doesn't, he is derelict in his duty. I don't know of another instance where a Senator has had the audacity to tell another he shouldn't be participating in deliberations. Not to mention his metaphor is goofy -- "throw fire on these flames"?

So Essie May concludes -- if anybody needs to get out of town, it's certainly NOT John McCain!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well put Essie!