Thursday, December 4, 2008

Are Asians really smarter?

Have you ever noticed how Asians seem to be smarter than Americans? They have the reputation for diligent study in school, winning awards, hard work, and superior intelligence. But maybe they're not quite as smart as we think.

In Hokkaido, Japan, zoo keepers have been trying to get polar bears Tsuyoshi and Kurumi to mate. The bears have been enclosed together at the Kushiro Municipal Zoo since June. It appeared there was just no chemistry between them. Last Wednesday, zoo officials announced the reason for the lack of romance. Tsuyoshi and Kurumi are both females. Duh! Kind of throws that "Asians are smarter" myth out the window, doesn't it?

"Zoo solves mystery of why bears didn't mate." The Dallas Morning News; November 27, 2008; p. 18A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaha...what a hoot! I would have hated to zoo official that had to do that press release. I think I would have resigned first!