Saturday, December 6, 2008

Maybe PISD should try more harder to teach English.

The Paris High School Fine Arts division is presenting a version of A Christmas Carol this weekend. From what I read, it's not quite the Dickens classic we all love. According to Jayna Shull, drama instructor, "The production has clowns in it, so it's quite different and fun." Clowns in A Christmas Carol? Sounds like a big improvement over the original, don't you think?

The student star of the play, says, "The more closer of a family you are the more fun and the more easier the show will be." More closer? More easier? Why not more funner? If he had done it once, I would call it a slip-up and think nothing of it. But twice indicates to me the poor child doesn't know any better. PISD needs to stop monkeying with the works of a master and start teaching basic English!

"Paris high to present 'A Christmas Carol.'" The Paris News; December 3, 2008; p. 1.

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