Tuesday, December 16, 2008

When you think you've heard it all . . .

Don't like getting a foreigner you can't understand and who can't understand you when you call tech support? Dell computers has a deal for you! If you'll pay them $13 a month extra on your tech support contract, you can talk to someone who speaks English.

A Dell spokesman says this new plan demonstrates Dell's commitment to customer choice. "We've heard from customers that it's hard to understand a particular accent and that they couldn't understand the instructions they were getting."

So, Dell is catering to your choice -- unless you want to pony up the extra $13 a month, you're still going to be talking to someone in India or the Philippines who barely speaks English. Is it just me, or does it seem the whole world has lost its common sense?

"Plainer English for a fee." The Dallas Morning News; December 14, 2008; p. 4D.


Anonymous said...

NO, IT ISN'T JUST YOU !! There isn't much common sense left in this old world!

Anonymous said...

Paying $13.00 a month for an English-speaking tech is catering to the customer??? Amazing!