Monday, December 29, 2008

What a topsy-turvy world!

I wrote in an earlier post about the plaque placed by the atheists next to the nativity scene in our nation's capitol. They have the right to do that, but a judge has ruled that people in South Carolina do not have the right to have a cross on their license plates.

The specialty plates have a cross and the words "I believe." How can that violate religious beliefs when no one has to display the plates on their vehicles? In fact, those who do wish to display them must pay extra. U.S. District Judge Cameron McGowan Currie issued a temporary injunction barring the Department of Motor Vehicles from taking orders for the plates. However, he did not bar the Department from continuing to issue the "Secular Humanists of the Low Country" plates which bear the slogan, "In reason we trust."

What a topsy-turvy world!
"Judge says S.C. must halt plates that bear cross." The Dallas Morning News; December 12, 2008; p. 10A.


Anonymous said...

South Carolina has a licence plate law which permits individuals to design plates within certain limits. The "In reason we trust" plates were designed by individuals. The "I Believe" plates were designed by the State and were therefore in violation of the Church/State separation requirement of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous -- Baloney!