Monday, December 22, 2008

It's that darn global warming!

Successive waves of winter weather gripped much of the USA this past weekend, interrupting power for thousands of people. Some of those people were already without power as a result of ice storms from several days ago.

It was 2 degrees in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, and ice and snow covered the ground. Iowa public safety officials reported winds of 35 mph, dropping windchills to -25 degrees. Spokane, Washington, basked in -18 degree weather -- that's the actual temperature, not a windchill. They expected 6 more inches of snow to add to the 25 inches they've already received. The Northeast suffered air traffic delays as they had snow added to the ice they already have. In Illinois, ice-jammed rivers threaten to cause flooding.

Must be that darn global warming!

"A chilling effect on the nation." The Dallas Morning News; December 21, 2008; p. 10A.

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