Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Freedom OF Religion -- not FROM Religion

There is a group of atheists and agnostics who call themselves "The Freedom from Religion Foundation." If they are telling the truth, they ignorantly believe they are upholding the 1st Amendment. But they need some basic civics instruction. First, the text of the amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

So that immediately negates the significance of their name -- we are not guaranteed freedom FROM religion. The current burr under their saddles is Governor Perry attending a prayer and fasting event scheduled for next month and encouraging others to join him. They claim that amounts to the government endorsing a religion. News Flash! The 1st Amendment enjoins the government only from making a law establishing a religion. That's it!

You notice, though, that they don't like the rest of the amendment, for they are asking Governor Perry to give up the rights he has: they do not have the right to forbid him the free exercise of his religion or the right to forbid him to peaceably assembly with whomever he wishes . . . no matter what office he holds.

I say it's really too bad we don't have more politicians like Rick Perry. I can't know his motives, but his actions are certainly a refreshing alternative to a President pushing a gay-rights-and-redistribute-the-wealth-and-spend-ourselves-into-oblivion-and-blame-it-all-on-George-Bush agenda.

"Suit filed to stop Perry's prayer event." The Dallas Morning News; July 14, 2011; p. 3A.

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