Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why do the poor have kids?

David Armstrong is upset that people are complaining about having to wait in line at the DMV in Texas because of a lack of staffing. In a typical liberal oranges to apples comparison, he says we should imagine having to wait at a low-income clinic because we're on Medicaid.

David waxes poetic (which, I guess, is appropriate since he says he's from Poetry): "Imagine if that were a sick infant, and you had no other choice regarding care."

Well, David, we have choices. The appropriate choice here is to not have kids for whom you can't afford medical care. If the infant is sick with an acute illness, take him to an emergency room. They can't turn down emergency cases. As far as waiting, I've spent all afternoon in my doctor's office before, and I pay for adequate insurance coverage. The wait has nothing to do with what I can pay. It has to do with the doctor's availability. If you're getting free care, you shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth and be so ungrateful as to moan about having to wait for awhile.

But, David, don't fret. When Obamacare fully kicks in, it will save us all!

"Long lines in Texas." The Dallas Morning News; July 17, 2011; p. 2P.

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