Thursday, July 21, 2011

How many chances?

I didn't check back, but I think I've written before about all the chances Lavar Horne has been given. At least the name and the circumstances sound very familiar to me.

Lavar, a Dallas Police officer, has used up another chance. He was arrested this month for stealing a gun from a motorist. He could get up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine, but if history is any indicator, he'll get his job back with the PD.

Lavar initially applied to the department in 2001, but he was rejected, because he failed the civil service exam. He was deemed "unable to logically process information." He applied again in 2002 and was hired. I guess he got logical during those few months. He was fired in 2003 when the department discovered his drivers license was suspended. He was reinstated in 2004. From 2005 to 2007, Horne received three disciplinary actions. In 2008, he was suspended for 20 days when he turned in a forged doctor's exuse for a work absence. There was also suspicion about that time that he had tipped off a club about an impending raid.

I expect he'll be back on the job before the end of the year.

"Officer fired after arrest in gun theft." The Dallas Morning News; June 30, 2011; p. 1B.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He MUST have dirt on the person in charge of personnel!