Saturday, August 6, 2011

An Almost Essie

This guy just almost got an Essie -- the award given on the basis of sheer stupidity. But I don't think he qualifies. This man isn't just stupid, he's mentally disturbed.

Got a hernia that's been bothering you? A 63-year-old man in Glendale, California, did. He opted for the do-it-yourself surgery. Police found him on his patio with a 6-inch butter knife sticking out of his stomach. While waiting for the paramedics, the man tried to cauterize the wound with his cigarette.

I can see it now -- Obama standing at the podium telling people that, see, this is the kind of thing that Obamacare will prevent. This poor man had to operate on himself because he didn't have adequate health care coverage.

"Man tries to remove his own hernia." The Dallas Morning News; July 27, 2011; p. 6A.

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