Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sound familiar?

"Social problems that have been festering for decades have exploded in our face. Do we have the determination to confront the slow-motion moral collapse that has taken place in parts of our country these past few generations?" Guess who said that. Sound like something a U.S. politician could have said?

The speaker was British Prime Minister David Cameron in the wake of the horrendous riots that have occurred in his country over the last couple of weeks. He said his country has been dragged down by many citizens' laziness, irresponsibility and selfishness, and that his government is designing policies to reverse that trend.

When you finish there, Mr. Cameron, how about bringing some of that common sense over to America?

Llewellyn King is a show host on PBS. One would expect a liberal viewpoint from that description, but he says of Britain's socialist programs that they are corrosive and "have produced a culture of sloth, vulgarity, casual parenthood and celebrity adulation." And he says that liberals will call for more of what has not worked: more social initiatives, more youth centers, more job training and remedial education. Sound like America and the Obama administration? Sound familiar at all? 
"Cameron cites 'moral collapse.'" The Dallas Morning News; Aug. 15, 2011; p. 7A.
"Everything but what they need." The Dallas Morning News; Aug. 15, 2011; p. 11A.

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