Friday, August 5, 2011

But where are the 13?

I was just cooking supper and watching the news. There was a feature about Meals on Wheels providing window air conditioners for the elderly who are suffering in this heat.

They showed this sweet looking little old lady, and my heart just went out to her. You could tell how hot her little frame house was. All she had was an old box fan. Meals on Wheels brought her a window unit and an off-duty fireman installed it for her.

Then they told a little about her. She has lived in the same house in Ft. Worth for 43 years. She raised 13 children there. And that's when I said, "Wait a minute!" Out of 13 children, don't you think there would be at least one who made sure his mama had adequate cooling in this heat? You can get a 10,000 BTU unit at Wal-Mart for about $300. So if every kid kicked in about 25 bucks, they could have made sure the woman who provided for them all their lives was cared for.

I guess in this country, honor thy father and thy mother has gone the same way as most of the rest of God's commands. It's a selfish me-me-me society!

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