Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Does Tim Tebow have the courage of his convictions?
I was disappointed to hear that Tim Tebow is bowing to the politically correct crowd by cancelling his speaking engagement at First Baptist Church, Dallas. The liberal media keeps spreading malicious lies about the "controversial" pastor there and how he spreads hate. I've not heard one thing Robert Jeffress has said that indicates to me he is a hate-filled man, but I have heard enough to know that he has the courage of his convictions. Unfortunately, it appears the same cannot be said of Tim Tebow.

Tim Tebow evidently told Jeffress that he "needs to stay away from controversy." There is nothing controversial about what Robert Jeffress preaches -- everything he says is straight (no pun intended) from the Scripture. I don't know about Tim Tebow, but I'm awfully glad that Jesus didn't shun "controversy."
"First Baptist loses Tebow." The Dallas Morning News; February 22, 2013; p. 1b.

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