Sunday, February 10, 2013

Media Bias?
Two men who lost children in Newtown, Connecticut, testified at the State Capitol last month. Neil Heslin held up a picture of himself with his son Jesse Lewis who died at Sandy Hook. Heslin told lawmakers that he had grown up around guns, but he saw no reason that civilians should have weapons like the one used to kill his son.
Mark Mattioli lost his son James at Sandy Hook. He said, "I believe in a few simple gun laws. I think we have more than enough on the books  . . . The problem is not gun laws. The problem is a lack of civility." He also said that he thought people were using Newtown to spread fear on gun issues.
Guess which father's photograph accompanied the article?
"Newtown families join the debate." The Dallas Morning News; January 29, 2013; p. 6A.

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