Monday, August 19, 2013

And this is why only real men should serve in the military.

And now the truth comes out. Bradley Manning gave classified military information to Wikileaks because he was a homosexual and was beginning to identify as a woman instead of a man. That bit of information comes from his own defense witness. Captain Michael Worsley is a clinical psychiatrist who had sessions with Manning in Iraq. He and another "expert" say this condition contributed to Manning's endangering our national security.

And did Manning join the military out of a patriotic desire to serve his country or out of a desire to provide for his financial security? No, he joined the military because "I thought a career in the military would get rid of it [his homosexuality or gender identity crisis or whatever you want to call it]."

I have news for Manning -- our military is not there to cure perverted fruitcakes of their ills! And that's why we should have real men who know they're men protecting us.

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