Saturday, August 17, 2013

Delusional, nuts, or a monster? You decide.

Schandrila Schlesinger's disabled teenage daughter was taken to the emergency room in a very pitiful condition. The child has cerebral palsy. She is 15 years old. When she was admitted to the hospital, she weighed 49 pounds. She is on life support because Schandrila withheld her seizure meds, and according to the police report, the child was in a "persistent uncontrolled seizure . . . and prolonged unresponsiveness." Schandrila says that she has "never really been a fan of medication." That's interesting considering she's posted a profile on claiming to be a cartified (sic) pharmacy tech. I checked Texas professional licenses, and she's not "cartified" in Texas for any kind of profession.

Despite her daughter's awful state, Schandrilla says, "I know I've done everything that I knew to do, and it seemed to be working." Yes, working so well they had to put the poor child on life support!

So is this woman delusional? Is she nuts? Or was she trying to kill her daughter through neglect? I really don't know, but it's obvious that whichever one it is, she should never regain custody of the three younger children CPS took when they discovered the teenager.

And the capper to all this is that we're paying the grandmother to provide in home care for this child (or at least that was the case a couple of years ago). Where was she in all this?

"Starved, disabled girl's mother regrets condition, not action." The Dallas Morning News; August 14, 2013; p. 1B.

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