Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Liberals . . . Sheesh!

Elizabeth Walley of Mesquite has made Essie's blog before (See "I'm appalled, too" from June 6). And it's a safe bet she probably will again.

This time she wants to know why anyone would be against us having affordable health care (Obamacare). Well, Elizabeth, I don't know that anyone is against affordable healthcare, but Obamacare is something altogether different. The better question is why should I pay for your healthcare? You seem to be doing OK -- you donated more than $8000 to the Obama campaign and hosted an inauguration party. Eight thousand pre-Obamacare dollars would buy you some pretty decent insurance.

Then Elizabeth tells us that individual rates are lower than expected for states that have received bids for their exchanges. Well, not exactly. The Forbes website reports:

"Last month, progressive pundits were trumpeting news out of California that the cost of health insurance under Obamacare in that state was surprisingly low. It turns out, however, that [the reports were] uncritically regurgitating California’s misleading press release. In fact, the average 25 and 40-year-old will pay double under Obamacare what they would need to pay today, based on rates posted at eHealthInsurance.com. More specifically, for the typical 25-year-old non-smoker, the average Obamacare 'bronze' exchange plan in California will cost between 64 and 117 percent more than the cheapest five plans on eHealth. For 40-year-old non-smokers, it’s between 73 and 146 percent more."

Elizabeth says that millions of currently uninsured Texans will be eligible for tax-credit supported health insurance, and she can't wait to see the rates. Yeah -- and I can't wait to see how much my tax rates and my premiums will go up to pay for these insurance tax credits for people who aren't taking care of their own business.
Elizabeth says of herself, "I'm a passionate Obama supporter, a neighborhood organizer for OFA in my part of town. I'm a Democratic precinct chair, active member of my Democratic club (DACED) and a member of the Dallas League of Women Voters. Besides making sure President Obama is re-elected [she posted this before the election] and gets a good congress to support him in his next term, I am working actively to promote voter registration and education, the lack of which is at the root of our problems today, I'm convinced."

So, that tells you what we need to know about Elizabeth's biases -- all Hail, King Barack!

"ACA offers hope to many." The Dallas Morning News; August 7, 2013; p. 20A.

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