Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's Essie Time!

Sometimes, you just have to wonder. Apryl Brown, old enough to know better, didn't like her flat rear. When she was a child, people called her "Pancake Butt." So when a lady wandered into Apryl's beauty salon and told her she could give her some injections to round out her heinie, Apryl deemed it "divine intervention" and jumped at the chance.

She went to the lady's house where the procedure was performed. A week or so after the injections, Apryl's newly rounded pancake became hard and very painful. Apryl "eventually" went to a doctor. The doctor removed the injection material -- construction silicone purchased at the local home depot type store. Then Apryl developed a staph infection and ended up losing both her hands and feet to amputation.

Apryl, having earned this Essie Award, now knows the difference between divine intervention and incredible stupidity.

"Women disfigured, killed by injections." The Dallas Morning News; August 6, 2013; p. 8A.

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