Monday, August 26, 2013

The more I see, the less I like.

I started out as a fan of Governor Chris Christie, but the more I see of him, the less I like him. I didn't like him playing nice-nice with Obama after Hurricane Sandy and acting like Obama was going to make everything OK again. I didn't like him lowering the state flags to half-staff to laud Whitney Houston - a woman who died of a drug overdose. What kind of example does that set for our children?

And I don't like his attitude about homosexuality. He just signed a law that bars licensed therapists from counseling gay teenagers that they can change. Christie says he believes that homosexuality is not a sin. I wonder when what Christie thinks began to supersede what the Bible says? I wonder when Christie got his therapist license? He obviously thinks he has more expertise than a licensed therapist since he's telling them what they can and cannot do in their practices.

Christie says, "Government should tread carefully into this area." I disagree. Government shouldn't tread into this area at all!

"Gay conversion therapy banned." The Dallas Morning News; August 20, 2013; p. 6A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is a Democrat in disguise, and a pretty transparent disguise at that!