Friday, August 9, 2013

Media Bias?

The Dallas Morning News front page headline blares: "Cruz made $1M while running for Senate in 2012." Just reading that, do you think there's a scandal involved? I did. My heart sank, because I voted for Cruz and I think he's someone we desperately need in office. I was so disappointed.

But then I saw the tiny sub-head which reads: "No rules broken by top-flight appellate attorney."

Cruz is a well-known attorney. It's probably not unusual for a Harvard Law School graduate to make a million in a year. The News had to grudgingly admit he didn't violate the law or any ethics rules, so why is this a story?

I'm now watching for the story on how much Wendy Davis makes in her practice . . . but I'm not holding my breath.

"Cruz made $1M while running for Senate in 2012." The Dallas Morning News; August 5, 2013; p. 1A.

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