Friday, March 21, 2008

Don't cramp my style, Man!

Two stories about two different children in The Dallas Morning News..

Story Number 1
PARMA, Ohio -- Bryan Ruda, a 6-year-old kindergarten student has been suspended from the Parma Community School for a violation of the school district rules. He has a spiked mohawk haircut. His mother, Michelle Barile, says she'll remove him from the school rather than abide by the rules.

Story Number 2
TULSA, Oklahoma -- Montoya Harris, age 14, was arrested for stabbing to death Sydney Dailey, age 13. The Dailey girl was stabbed 9 times, including once in the heart. The dispute was over a boy.

Is there any connection to these two stories? I think there is. Bryan's mother is teaching him from a young age that he shouldn't let anybody "cramp his style." Right now, it's just a haircut. Montoya has obviously also been taught that she shouldn't let anybody "cramp her style." Except the rule she's breaking has taken a life. Much greater consequences, but the same attitude.

Parents need to stop backing their children when they violate school dress codes or other seemingly arbitrary rules. The lesson learned is much more valuable than the child's right to "express himself."

There is hope, though.

Story Number 3
In the same edition of the newspaper containing the story of Montoya and Sydney, there was a letter to the editor from Richardson 8th-grader Amy Chyao. Amy came in second in the regional spelling bee last week (she has won the competition twice before). She thanked all those who helped her, congratulated the winner, and offered her help to all the other young spellers who want to participate. I didn't see a single grammatical mistake, and of course, everything was spelled correctly! Her gracious attitude was refreshing and had the ring of sincerity.

Lucky for this year's winner, Amy hasn't been taught that she should not allow anyone else to "cramp her style."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

actually she lives in plano/murphy. i know first hand because i go to school with her at MMS.