Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The right of the people . . .

The Supreme Court and the 2nd Amendment are in the news today as a challenge to Washington D.C.'s gun ban is being reviewed. Jami Floyd of Tru TV says, "Guns are responsible for 81% of the homicides in this country."

First of all, I will agree with her contention that the 2nd Amendment is in the context of a well-armed militia. But where did the militia come from in early America? It was made up of the farmer, the craftsman, the merchant, the lawyer, the doctor, the baker, the tavern keeper -- all those NON-MILITARY citizens. So that they might be prepared to defend their rights, their country, and themselves at a moment's notice, and to prevent the government from doing what it's trying to do now (take away our guns), the founding fathers wisely included "the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." They knew that the government that is successful in disarming its citizens can also be successful in oppressing them.

Second, where gun bans have been instituted, they have been dismal failures in deterring crime. Washington D.C. has one of the highest, if not the highest, murder rates in the country. Why? Because only the criminals have guns. I heard a comment today that if we had these gun bans in place, then the school shootings would be prevented. Come again? How illogical can anyone be? Someone intent on murder (which happens to be illegal) is not going to scrap his plan because he doesn't want to break a gun law.

Back to Jami Floyd -- I say we arrest all these guns "responsible" for these murders. But we must protect their rights -- they have a right to a trial by a jury of their piers (see earlier post "Fishermen: Beware"). I can see some of the jury now -- a Colt revolver; a Smith and Wesson; a Winchester rifle; and the foreman is a .44 Magnum.

When a statement is analyzed, faulty logic is brought to light -- those guns are not responsible for anything. It's the criminals who hold them who are the responsible parties. And a person stabbed to death is just as dead as the one who was shot!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is the criminals who are the responsible parties, so if the government wants to ban something, ban murderers. How do we do that -- The Death Penalty -- Use It Often!