Monday, March 3, 2008

Let them eat cake.

I stopped by the grocery store the other day to pick up a few things I needed to cook supper. Having only four or five items, I made my way to the express lane. There was a lady in front of me checking out. She had ten to twelve candy bars -- Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups -- about $7 worth. How did she pay? With her trusty old Lone Star card, of course. For those of you who don't live in Texas, that's food stamps.

I agree that those experiencing financial problems through no fault of their own should be helped with necessities. But there obviously needs to be a limit. I buy candy bars only occasionally and then just one at time -- first, because they're fattening and have little if any nutritional value; and second, because they cost too much. This woman was spending my money for junk, and I resent that.

What's the solution? Limit food stamps to fresh produce; canned or frozen fruits and vegetables (excluding frozen dinners, desserts, and other convenience foods -- if I peel and slice my own french fries, so can they); meat, fish, and poultry; dried beans, peas, cereal, and rice; baking supplies such as sugar, flour, baking powder, spices, soda (excluding cake, brownie and cookie mixes); dairy (excluding ice cream); bread, saltine crackers, and buns (excluding sweet rolls); and jams, jellies, and syrups.

The purpose of food stamps is to insure that a poor family's nutritional needs are met. The above list is more than sufficient. I'm tired of paying for carbonated beverages, chips, cookies, tv dinners, candy and other unnecessary, expensive items that I never get to taste!

And another thing while I'm on the subject. I don't know if this provision is still in effect or not, but at one time, those with Lone Star cards could withdraw up to $20 in cash. What an absurdity! Just enough for a little marijuana, booze, a little crack cocaine, some cigarettes, whatever -- our government is here to serve you!

I believe the vast majority of those drawing food stamps are well able to work -- they just like it better living on taxpayer support. So if you want candy and cokes, GET A JOB!

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