Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Even the Democrats agree they're incompetent!

It seems our own county Democratic party had a few problems with their caucuses. According to Mary Madewell, the county chairman violated rules by neglecting to post the time, date, place, and purpose of the precinct conventions at the courthouse. The Republican chair took care of his responsibilities. The Democratic chair also failed to include in the precinct packets the number of delegates allotted to the precinct. As Mrs. Madewall rightly asks, "How else are the precincts to know?" It seems there weren't quite enough sign-in sheets for our Democratic friends, either. All in all, Mrs. Madewell was quite critical of the way things were handled in Lamar County, even to the point of calling for the county chair's resignation. She even admits that "confusion ran rampant in many of the state's precincts" -- and she's a dyed in the wool Democrat!

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