Monday, March 17, 2008

How to create a genius . . .

When Hillary Clinton was in Austin drumming up votes recently, she was asked how families can better prepare their children (doesn't say prepare for what). At any rate, she "stressed that talking with children helps them develop brain cells."

I don't know about you, but I think that's about the most inane statement I've ever heard. On the surface, it sounds like a very scientific, educated statement. But what does it really say? Yes, a parent teaches his children by talking to them, but it's the substance that counts. A parent could talk all day about Daffy Duck and I doubt the child would have a vast influx of brain cells. On the other hand, a parent could talk quantum physics all day to a 3-year-old, and I'm quite sure that child wouldn't be even one cell richer. The example of a parent's actions means a whole lot more than their words. A child has to watch a parent exhibit strength of character, a strong work ethic, and a loving attitude day after day to develop his own integrity.

On the other hand, if Hillary's right, I don't think her parents must have talked to her much!

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