Monday, June 9, 2008


I'm sure you've received the email with all the reasons Barack Obama is probably the antichrist. Number 1, I would like to know the scripture that says the antichrist will be a muslim. I don't think there is one. Number 2, I would like to know the scripture that says he will be in his 40's. I don't think there's one of those, either. In fact, the scriptures say the antichrist will be an imitation of the true Christ. That being the case, he'll probably be in his 30's when he comes into power.

So even though Obama is a seriously dangerous man, I haven't jumped on the Obama as antichrist bandwagon. But I have to confess, I saw a picture in Sunday's edition of The Dallas Morning News that really gave me pause. I can't put it on here because I don't want to break any copyright laws, but if you have a copy of the newspaper, it's on page 3P in the Letters section. If you don't have that, you can go to and put 81408651 in the search box and it should bring up the photo.

Why did this picture strike me? It's a photo of Obama in St. Paul, Minnesota. The caption reads, "Supporters reach out to touch presidential candidate Barack Obama in St. Paul, Minn." We've all seen photos of people reaching out to get a handshake from a politician. In fact, I've done that myself -- I've shaken the hand of both Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon. This is different. The people in St. Paul seem to be in a frenzy to merely touch Obama. They are caressing his head, touching his shoulders and his back. It made me think of Luke 6:19: "And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all." Do these people think they are touching their messiah?

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