Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Methinks thou dost protest too much!

In recent months in our community, there was a scandal involving a couple of fairly well-known people who engaged in an adulterous affair. There was a public confession, and of course, the ensuing gossip, condemnation, and speculation.

The lady involved in the affair now has a blog where she preaches about forgiveness and lets us in on all sorts of details of her private life. She also posts to something called "Twitter." It's evidently some sort of abbreviated blog where you log on periodically throughout the day just to let people know what you're doing and/or thinking.

Just a few hours ago, she posted on Twitter: "(her name) is tired of being the topic of discussion." Well, honey, let Essie May give you some advice. If you've been involved in a scandal, the best thing to do is to keep a low profile. You don't post stuff on the internet everyday, and then complain because people are still talking about you. If you want people to forget about you and the things you've done, quit promoting yourself!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said! From what I understand, she has been rather flippant in person.