Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The bells are ringing, for me and my gal . . . Oops, I mean guy!

California is rejoicing! Weddings are taking place everywhere! All ages are getting married! We are enlightened! We are tolerant!

Yes, folks, same-sex couples are tying the knot in California. Pictured in today's paper are Del Martin, age 87, and her partner, Phyllis Lyon, age 84, being married by the San Franciso mayor. Doesn't it just warm the cockles of your heart?

Gays are warning each other, however, to be circumspect about all this. Kendall Hamilton and his husband-to-be say they hope no "guys will show up in gowns." I find this to be terribly intolerant of men who choose to dress in drag. After all, who's to say what's normal? Kendall Hamilton has just demonstrated that he is a bigoted transvestophobe.

Hamilton goes on to say "We want everybody to be free, but the image does matter. They are going to try to make us look like freaks." And a man with "his husband-to-be" doesn't strike you as freaky?


Anonymous said...

I saw the picture you mentioned in your post of the two women (or whatever you want to call them) and I have been nauseous ever since!!!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to throw up when I saw the pictures of the women in their 80s!

Anonymous said...

We are truly a doomed nation. May God have mercy on the few sane and moral that are drowning in this sea of disgust!