Friday, June 27, 2008

Score 1 for the 2nd Amendment!

The Supreme Court this week, correctly interpreting the Constitution for a change, struck down Washington, DC's ban on handgun ownership. I haven't read the opinion written by Justice Scalia, but talk radio hosts say it is a masterpiece.

The scary part is that this was a 5-4 decision. We have four Justices who do not believe the Constitution guarantees our right to bear arms. If Barack Obama is elected and appoints even one Justice, the next case bearing on the 2nd Amendment is lost. Can you imagine a Justice Jeremiah Wright, or a Justice Al Sharpton, or how about a Justice Michelle Obama?

The Court also this week, on another 5-4 decision, struck down the Louisiana death penalty for child rape. Justice Kennedy, writing for the majority, said that "the death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child." Sure -- if it's not your child. At least we'll have guns to protect ourselves and our families when some bleeding-heart liberal judge lets one of these animals out on a technicality.

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