Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Let me tell ya 'bout the birds and the bees. . .Verse 2

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the reasons people believe teenagers get pregnant. Gloucester High School in Massachusetts has been in the news the past few days. It seems 17 girls there are pregnant, and the rumor is that they had formed a pact to all try to get pregnant so they could raise their babies together.

One of those girls was just on "Good Morning America" with her boyfriend. Chris Cuomo (who, by the way, conducted one of the most sickening interviews I've ever seen) asked the boy why he thought so many girls at the school had become pregnant. "The girls are just unlucky, I guess," he said. WRONG! They became pregnant because they had sex!

And then there was The Dallas Morning News editorial by Bob Herbert. I'm still not sure I understand his point. I think it is that the reason we have so many fatherless families is that men can't make enough money now to support a family. Go figure! Anyway, he says "one of the main reasons out-of-wedlock births have skyrocketed in recent decades is because it has become so difficult for poor and poorly educated young men to earn enough to support a family. . . Declining economic fortunes of young men without college degrees underlie the rise in out-of-wedlock child-bearing." WRONG! The reason out-of-wedlock births have skyrocketed is because people who aren't married are having sex!

I just don't quite get this guy's point -- why young men who have no jobs can afford to father children out-of-wedlock, but they can't afford to have them if they're married. Oh, silly me -- now I get it! If they have them out-of-wedlock, I get to support they're irresponsibly conceived, illegitimate progeny, and they don't have to worry about keeping their sagging pants zipped!

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