Sunday, April 5, 2009

God is weeping!

The North Texas area of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) recently voted to remove the stipulation in their constitution that requires "fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman or chastity in singleness" for its pastors, deacons, and elders. Kathy Collier, pastor of First Presbyterian in Forney, said that it was past time for the denomination to accept qualified pastoral candidates regardless of their sexual orientation. She may think it's time for their church to accept perverts, but God still doesn't! I agree with Ron Scates, pastor of Highland Park Presbyterian Church, who said, "The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is just one symptom of the greater demise of the American church, which has lost its biblical moorings." The question of homosexuality shouldn't even come up in the church. This is not a gray area. God has plainly said that it's an abomination.

Then I saw a Cathedral of Hope commercial on television this morning. Their spokespersons? Gay couples lovingly caressing each other and talking about how accepting their church is no matter who you are. Maybe they accept people no matter how perverted they are, but God doesn't except in the context of repentance. God must surely be weeping to have his name associated with such depravity!

"Leaders support gays' ordination." The Dallas Morning News; March 31, 2009; p. 2B.

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