Saturday, April 4, 2009

Send this man to Congress! He'll fit right in!

Robert Sanders of Reno, Texas, wrote a letter to the editor last week. Robert has a solution for our economic crisis. He says there are 40 million people over the age of 50 still working in the U.S. He thinks the government should give each of them $1 million to retire. His theory is that they will spend that money on homes, cars, recreation, etc., and give the economy a great big boost. "This would only cost the government 40 million dollars not billions and billions and would certainly stimulate me," says Robert. Oops, Robert! I think you made a slight miscalculation there. You are right that it wouldn't be billions and billions -- it would be trillions and trillions. One million dollars times 40 million is $40 trillion dollars. Maybe we should be investing some of that stimulus money in math classes.

What's really funny is that The Paris News printed this inanity! Of course, this is the same edition with this sentence in an editorial -- "In between shoots, archers can wonder around and enjoy places that make Paris unique." Wander where all the proofreaders are?

"Thought I would share." The Paris News; April 3, 2009; p. 4A.

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