Thursday, April 2, 2009

Really going green!

In Spokane, Washington, it is against the law to sell dishwashing detergent containing phosphates. The only problem with this green measure is that it is literally green. Without the phosphates, the dishes don't get clean -- gunky food particles are left encrusted on the "washed" dishes.

How are Spokaners handling this? They're burning fossil fuels to drive to Idaho to buy dishwashing detergent that works. Brings to mind the green toilets we are all now mandated to use. The little bitty tanks require two flushes to get the job done, so you end up using more water than you would for just one good flush. If these eco-nuts really want to help the environment, they can just butt out with all their inane regulations!

"Slipping across border for soap." The Dallas Morning News; March 28, 2009; p. 7A.

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