Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I don't.

Just saw on the news yesterday where thieves took a front-end loader from a construction site in Dallas and rammed it through the front of a Walgreen's Drug Store and stole the ATM there. The reporter says, "Police blame the bad economy." I don't. I blame a couple of good-for-nothing thieves.

If these guys are identified, I predict they will be in their late teens to early twenties, unemployed not because of the economy but because they don't want to work, and already drawing some kind of government assistance. They haven't been affected at all by the bad economy. They're just doing what they would be doing even if the economy were booming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's typical of the media to make excuses for the bad guys. It's makes no sense to me. Just a sign of the personal responsibility for anything!