Thursday, August 6, 2009

How many really need insurance?

I saw some updated figures this week on how many people actually fall into Obama's category of people who can't get insurance. It's far lower than most people realize when you filter out those who can afford it but don't buy it, non-citizens, and those who qualify for medicaid/CHIPS but haven't signed up - around five million instead of the 50 million figure that keeps popping up. Recent polls show somewhere around 85% of the American people are satisfied with their health care coverage. So why are they messing around with it? The only thing I can figure out is control. Think about it -- the estimated cost of this plan conservatively is a trillion dollars. If I put all my zeroes in the right spots, that's $200,000 per uninsured person. We could buy insurance for all those people for ten years for one tenth that amount. So why is our government insisting we all need their program? It has to be control. There is no other reason.

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