Saturday, August 1, 2009

Even the Democrats don't like him!

Obama's in trouble. As his poll numbers drop lower by the week, Democratic governors and congressmen are distancing themselves from him and his catastrophic health care plan (and I don't mean catastrophic in the usual medical insurance context of the word). Even if they don't say it in so many words, I'm sure many of them agree with Republican Michael Steele who said that Obama is "conducting a dangerous experiment with our health care." The Mayo Clinic does, as they came out with an official statement criticizing the plan.

Every American over the age of 50 should be terrified of what they're doing. It's they who will suffer the most under this plan -- a plan that deems senior citizens of no productive value. Obama took issue with Senator Jim DeMint who said that if they are able to stop this plan, it will be Obama's Waterloo. In response, Obama said, "This isn't about me." He's right there -- he's exempted himself and his family from Obamacare! It's about the ordinary American citizen who will be denied choices in his own health care -- who may even be denied health care completely if he's too old!

Yes, people are waking up. They're deciding they don't like the messiah they elected.

"Dems say tax hit in plan goes too far." The Dallas Morning News; July 21, 2009; p. 1A.

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