Sunday, August 9, 2009

We have to explain it?

Nancy Pelosi wants to end the Bush tax cuts early. She says, "I don't want them to wait two years to expire. Because they have to prove their worth to me as to how they grow the economy, how they create jobs."

Well, Ms. Pelosi, it's like this: when people have money in their pockets, they will spend it on things they desire. When they go to the local stores and spend their money, the local stores have to hire employees and buy inventory. When the local stores buy inventory, they keep the factories in business. When the factories are in business, they hire employees whom they pay. When those people have money in their pockets, they buy things they desire. When they buy the things they desire, more local stores and more factories are needed. And on and on it goes. When the government takes that money, people don't have it to spend. So the local store doesn't do much business, and they lay off the employees they have. Then those people don't have money to spend, so they don't buy. And the local stores have no need for inventory they can't sell, so the factories slow down. And when they slow down, they lay off employees who then can't buy the things they desire. And on and on it goes.

And to top it off, this hypocritical "prove it" remark comes from the woman who wants us to buy the health care pig in a poke.

"Pelosi seeks quick end to tax breaks." The Dallas Morning News; January 19, 2009; p. 4A.

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