Monday, August 24, 2009

Who's really organized?

Obama and the Democrats have been complaining that the tea parties and the protesters at the health care town hall meetings are "organized." That doesn't bother me, because all those people, organized or not, are expressing their true views. What does bother me is hypocrisy.

This is an actual Craig's List posting:

Work to Pass Obama's Healthcare Plan and Get Paid to Do it! $10-15 hr.

Now is our chance to make health care work. America’s health care system is broken. Health care costs are spiraling out of control, throwing families,
businesses and government into financial crisis. Families are worried
their health coverage won’t be there when they need it. Our country can’t
afford to wait for health reform that keeps costs down and protects
consumers. We can’t wait for affordable, dependable health care. We’re
fighting for health care that will protect families’ financial health, lay out a
clear path for all Americans to afford health care, and improve patient safety and quality care. You can work for change. Join motivated staff around the country working to make change happen. You can make great friends and money along the way. Earn $400-$600 a week.

Who do you think is paying these people? And how do you think these people are working to get this bill passed? Do you think they may be some of the ones showing up at the town hall meetings with the sob stories? The bottom line here is some people will say anything, true or not, for $400-$600 a week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Essie you are a truth detector!!!! Keep up the good work.