Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another episode of "Doesn't anybody know how to throw away the key?"

Jerry Lee Gray shot a Texas state trooper last month. Thankfully, the officer, though seriously wounded, is expected to recover. Gray will not. He was gunned down by other officers.

Jerry Lee Gray was sentenced to 16 years for robbery in 1973. That means he should have been in prison until 1989. He was out in 1979. He committed an aggravated robbery and was sentenced to 40 years. In 1995, he received another sentence of more than 12 years for bank robbery. He was out in 2005. Since then, he has committed numerous robberies around the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.

By my calculations, he shouldn't have been on a public street until, at the earliest, 2041. Doesn't anybody know how to throw away the key?

Paris News funny for the day: Headline in the October 21 issue states, "Panel backs vaccine as cervical cancer alternative." Well, I would certainly choose a vaccine over cervical cancer! Do you suppose they meant "treatment alternative"?

"Slain suspect had a long rap sheet." The Dallas Morning News; September 23, 2009; p. 3B.

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