Wednesday, October 21, 2009

God must be weeping.

Unless he repents, Reverend Jon Haack probably won't like it when he meets his Maker. Haack is the pastor of the Promise Metropolitan Community Church -- a "church" that caters to gays. He's responsible for a billboard blitz in Dallas that perverts the scriptures to condone his sin. One says, "The early church welcomed a gay man." This lie is accompanied by a reference to Matthew 8:5-13. Another says, "Jesus affirmed a gay couple." This lie is accompanied by a reference to Acts 8:26-40.

Matthew 8:5-13 is the account of Jesus healing the servant of the centurion. I can't for the life of me figure out where the gay man is in this passage, or if I missed him somewhere, where the early church welcomed him. Technically, there was not yet a "church."

Acts 8:26-40 relates the story of Philip's witness to the Ethiopian eunuch. I can't find a gay couple in the passage, and Jesus was not bodily there to "affirm" the non-existent gays.

The devil is dancing with glee for now, and God is weeping. But He will not allow them to get away with hijacking his Word.

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