Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I respectfully disagree, Miss Manners.

Civility is almost non-existent in our society, so I always enjoy reading Miss Manners in the newspaper. Most times, I agree with her. But this time, I must voice my disagreement with what's proper.

The question posed to her was how to address mail to same-sex married couples. Miss Manners took the politically correct way on this one. She said, "Updating old customs for new times happens to be my favorite part of this job." She offers several alternatives including using "Mesdames" and "Mssrs."

Miss Essie thinks the old ways are the best ways. Recognizing a perversion as legitimate demeans the true meaning of marriage. There is no such thing as a same-sex married couple, so how to address them is a moot point. If, however, one finds himself in the position of doing so, Miss Essie suggests using either "Lesbians" or "Homos."

"A stab at updating the rules on honorifics." The Dallas Morning News; September 20, 2009; p. 12E.


Anonymous said...

I think Essie should be the new Miss Manners!

Anonymous said...