Monday, October 26, 2009

What a Mockery!

Our time-honored traditions are fast falling to perversion and anything goes. Last February, George Mason University elected Ryan Allen, a gay drag performer, as homecoming queen. "I was very touched by how Mason was so supportive through the whole process of allowing a boy in a dress to run for homecoming queen," Allen said. I think the whole college is touched!

Paris News funny for the day: This headline appeared October 11, "Westgate property most like a waste of time and money." It's not like a waste of time and money -- it is a waste of time and money. However, I think the headline writer most likely meant "likely." I'd say The News most likely hasn't hired any proofreaders recently.

"For student, this honor not a drag." The Dallas Morning News; February 21, 2009; p. 9A.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't you know our Heavenly Father just shakes His head in disgust.