Sunday, October 4, 2009

Barb Walters of Frisco must live under a rock.

Barb Walters of Frisco is upset at the lack of respect shown to Obama. She says she went to a townhall event and there were only "eight old white men" on the stage. Right off the bat, I could see that Barb was just full of reverence. She says of her preceived dishonor of Obama that "nothing of the sort was shown to President George W. Bush while he was in office."

I can only conclude that Barb spent much of 2001 to 2008 living under a rock. George Bush was called a hypocrite, a liar, stupid, clumsy, out of his league, and a criminal. And those were the compliments.

". . . were rude, disrespectful." The Dallas Morning News; September 6, 2009; p. 3P.

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