Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Business owners, Beware!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, he who insists paying taxes is voluntary, is ready to impose more burdens upon the backbone of our economy and society -- the business owner. Included in the health bill he endorses is a provision that would require a business owner to pay a fine if any of his employees took advantage of government subsidies for health insurance. The fine would apply not only to the employee who got the subsidy, but to all the owner's employees. And we're not talking small amounts here -- the fee could be as high as $750 per employee. That means if a company employs 50 people, and only one gets a government subsidy, the owner will have to pay $37,500 in penalties.

But I probably am fretting too much -- I suppose these penalties will be as voluntary as paying taxes.

"Health bill may lack employer mandate." The Dallas Morning News; October 26, 2009; p. 4A.

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